Quotes by Hanna Jaff

Quotes by Hanna Jaff Click on image to open

Basic manual to learn english and spanish for speakers of the purepecha language

It caters to the Purepecha indigenous people living in the state of Michoacan, to learn the Spanish language.

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Manual purepecha portada

Basic manual to learn english

Publication of English Manual for Spanish Speakers to help people become familiar with the English language. This is a personal effort to support people who want to have the basics of it .

This is a personal effort to support people who do not speak English but want to have the basics of it. It is a tool that will help Spanish speakers learn Englishthrough everyday phrases and daily life with the support of the figurative speech.

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Portadas Final3 portada

English Manual for Kurdish Speakers

Publication of English Manual for Kurdish Speakers that aims to provide the basics of the English language to people whose native language is Kurdish.

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English Manual for Kurdish Speakers portada